Custom bronze bust from photo of Washington for sale BOKK-511

Here you will be able to see our custom-made bust head photo sculptures and portrait sculptures . Has more than 30 years of experience in bust portrait sculpture.We offer custom bust sculptures at low prices, and they are ideal for almost all environments. Experience is important, our sculptor has it! As shown below, our portrait artists are very good at their work. We are proud that we work hard at all the portrait bust sculptures. Marble sculptures and cast bronze statues are durable and therefore very suitable for souvenirs or gifts.
The solemn and majestic feel of a custom bronze bust sculpture or bronze monument that can be brought to any family, region, garden or arena cannot be compared to any other artistic expression. They have the effect of attracting every eye nearby, marveling and staring at it in awe and introspection. For centuries, artists from all walks of life and from all walks of life have used sculpture to celebrate and evoke feelings of commemoration, gratitude, respect, patriotism, reverence and love.
Custom bronze bust from photo of Washington:
George Washington, the founding father of the United States of America, was the first President of the United States in 1789 (he also became the first head of state in the world to be the “President”) in the 1775-1783 United States War of Independence, with the unanimous support of the entire electoral corps in the two successive elections, has been president until 1797.
He is also a Masonic member. In the early years of the French Indian War, Washington had served as a colonial army officer in support of the Daying Empire.
Later, in the American War of Independence, led by the Chinese army to win the independence of the United States, he rejected some colleagues want him to lead the military regime proposal, in 1783 back to his manor on the villa to restore civilian life. 1787, Washington presided over the constitutional Assembly. The conference made the present Constitution of the United States. In 1789, he became the first President of the United States through the unanimous support of the electoral corps. In his two-term tenure, he established many policies and traditions that lasted until today.
After the end of his two terms of office, he voluntarily renounced his power to seek further renewal. Because he played the most important role in the American War of Independence and the founding of the Nation, Washington was often called the father of the United States [Note 1]. As a big slave owner, Washington is also a controversial figure (316 people have been slaves).
So some people evaluate it as “an imperfect God”. Washington was chosen as the 4th greatest American figure in the “Greatest American” poll campaign, held in 2005 in AOL.